Industrial Peristaltic Pumps for the pumping of abrasive sludge

Peristaltic pump Serie DS-M 1 1
The eradication of toxic sludge is a very specific operation that is carried out in certain industrial sectors such as dredging, mining and in the extraction of sand and grav 

l. Abrasive slurries are composed of a mixture of liquids and solid particles difficult to dissolve. This mixture is difficult to pump and is necessary to use a specific machine of pumping like the industrial peristaltic pumps. 

Industrial Peristaltic Pumps, the best for the elimination of muds 

Peristaltic pumps are the only ones that manage to eliminate these mud’s so toxic and difficult to handle. The composition of the sludge and the particles can vary so it is necessary robust and resistant pumping machines capable of handling particles of different density. Peristaltic pumps are capable of handling the two types of sludge that exist, those not sedimented and those sedimented. 

These two types of sludge have a different abrasive impact depending on their composition. Nevertheless, it is advisable to use a peristaltic pump for its handling since the simplicity and the advantages that they bring make them suitable for the continuous pumping of this mixture of solids and liquids. 

Advantages and composition of a peristaltic pump 

Peristaltic pump Serie-AMP 1 1Industrial peristaltic pumps are characterized by their simplicity, their benefits and the form of functioning of its elements. Inside a peristaltic pump and housed in the body of the pump, you can find a tubular element of very defined dimensions, designed and manufactured in different types of elastomeric or thermoplastic capable of bearing hard working conditions. 

This tubular element is compressed by the rotating action of the rotor and its rollers or shoes. Subsequently, it is able to recover the initial shape and creates a vacuum powerful enough to suck and drag the fluid. 

Then the peristaltic pump allows the liquid, in this case, the mud, to enter the hollow of the rollers and is carried fluidly to the outlet of the next roller. It´s a volumetric pump with a positive displacement and with the possibility of turning dry indefinitely. 

Its exceptional characteristics such as self-aspiration, easy to clean, resistance to abrasion and corrosion, minimal maintenance and able to dose with little margin of error (+/- 1%), make these machines the perfect partner in extreme pumping operations. 

Its applications are varied and can be used in many operations such as sludge handling, lime slurry handling, press filter feeding, carbonate removal, sludge, slurry, toxic slurry, or even for liquids and chemicals such as inks, oils, acids, peroxides, latex and dyes among others. 

Dairy industry, wine and liquids sectors where they handle liquids of the class of wines, sauces, jams, mayonnaises and also meat or concentrated products it´s where these exceptional machines of pumping stand out. 

The handling of the product and its characteristics does not diminish or reduce the capacities of the peristaltic pumps, and that is that its only element of wear, the peristaltic hose is a resistant element and easy to change, which reduces the economic costs. 

If you need to remove sludge and toxic liquids, it is essential to use industrial peristaltic pumps.